Our company through trades the card work smoothly 2008/1/21
I take charge of 6027 list direction to research and develop successfully 2008/1/21
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I take charge of 6027 list direction to research and develop successfully
According to this company research and development department spreads the news: I take charge of the 6.0*2.7 list direction condenser microphone which develops, already smoothly through each experiment target test; Various aspects performance index has achieved the design requirements. The present sample already put into the market, according to the customer feedback*|*s news, the use effect is good.
ADD:No.3,2nd Area,DongXi Rd.,XiLang Industrial Zone,LiWan District,GuangZhou City ZIP:510385
TEL:+86 20-81494308 81494933 FAX:+86 20-81494208 E-MAIL:gz@shenggu.net.cn
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